HTML5 is the combined project of : WHATWG(WHAT Working Group) + W3C(World Wide Web Consortium). Today in this tutorial, i have collected all the html5 features with direct examples from various sites. Main purpose of this blog is to give you insight of whole HTML5 feature in one-in-all file. Now you can just copy all html tag and can use in your website. Now let's try it!
HTML Canvas Studio
HTML 5 defines the canvas element as:
“a resolution-dependent bitmap canvas which can be used for rendering graphs, game graphics, or other visual images on the fly.”
A canvas is a rectangle in your page where you can use JavaScript to draw anything you want.
17. File API
File API & FileReader API not supported
Drag an image from your desktop on to the drop zone above to see the browser read the contents of the file and use it as the background - without uploading the file to any servers.
19. DRAG AND DROP(D&D)> Drag the HTML5-Logo image into the rectangle:
20. Using Geolocation::::::Get Your Coordinate:::::::
Click the button to get your coordinates:
21. HTML5 Geolocation::::::GET YOUR POSITION ON GOOGLE MAP:::::::::::
HTML5 Geolocation is used to locate a user's position
22. Web Storage: Local Storage
// use localStorage for persistent storage
// use sessionStorage for per tab storage
saveButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
window.localStorage.setItem('value', area.value);
window.localStorage.setItem('timestamp', (new Date()).getTime());
}, false);
textarea.value = window.localStorage.getItem('value');
This demo shows how main window animation isn't interrupted by Web Workers. Note that the animation does not work in Opera (due to lack of requestAnimationFrame support).
Use arrow keys to change the direction of the animated square. The square is animated with requestAnimationFrame.
Click the button below to start or stop the worker.